Picture of Fleahoppers

Picture of Fleahoppers

Picture of fleahoppers

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Adult garden fleahoppers are tiny (less than 1/16 inch long) and black with long antennae. Females of the short- winged form are more globular in shape and have beetle-like forewings with no membranous portions. They generally occur on the underside of leaves and readily jump or hop when disturbed.

Commonly cause stippling of leaves of a wide variety of plants. Badly infested leaves can be killed.

Life cycle:
hoppers Overwinters as diapausing eggs in colder regions or as adults in warmer areas. Adults deposit eggs in punctures made by their mouthparts in leaves and stems of host plants. Nymphs hatching from eggs are green and develop through 5 instars before becoming winged adults in 11 to 41 days depending on temperature. There can be up to 5 generations per year.