Picture of Leafminer
Leafminer Larva and Adult

Picture of Leafminer Damage
Leafminer Damage

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Adult Liriomyza trifolii leafminer flies are small (1/16 inch), with bodies overall gray-black with yellow markings. Maggots are 1/16 inch long are whitish yellow while pupae are yellow-brown, oval and seed-like. Mines appear snake-like, narrow in width towards oviposition site, and become progressively wider or blotch-like towards the end produced by larger, mature maggots.

mmature larvae tunnel through leaf tissue causing whitish winding tunnels which can reduce yield and look unsightly. Other common species include chrysanthemum leafminer, serpentine leafminer, and vegetable leafminer.

Life cycle:
Mated leafminer females produce stipples on leaves with their ovipositor to insert an egg into the leaf. Larvae hatch in 2 days, and develop through 3 instars while producing the mine over a period of 7 to 8 days. The last stage emerges from the leaf and drops to the ground where is inflates its last skin for the pupa or puparium. Adult flies emerge from the puparium in 7 to 11 days. Duration of the life cycle varies with temperature and time of year. In the greenhouse, leafminers can breed throughout the year.