Picture of Garden Slug
Garden Slug

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Garden slug

Garden slugs grow up to 1 á inches. The mantle is on the anterior part of the slug and the breathing pore is in the anterior half of the mantle. Garden slugs have a band along either side that is not distinct on the lower border. The creeping sole is yellow to dark yellow or orange. The skin is rough and wrinkled, gray to dark brownish gray and often with small yellow-brown dots.

Garden slugs feed on narcissus, grasses, lilies, iris, lilies, Jimson weed, amaryllis, coleus, tulips, and vegetables. These slugs forage primarily from 5:30 to 6:00 AM although activity starts at 7:00 PM.

Life cycle:
Garden slugs creep very slowly and becomes active at >41ÉF. Life span is 7-1/2 to 12 months. Females oviposit 150 to 200 eggs. Garden slugs increase in size during summer and reach sexual maturity in late autumn. This slug only reproduces early spring. Maximum seasonal feeding and mobility occurs in October and November. Garden slugs reproduce faster on alkaline to neutral soils than on acid soils.