Picture of June Bug
June/May Bug

Picture of June Bug Larva (grub)

Pictures of grubs

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May / June beetles

Adult beetles, are á to 5/8 inches long and reddish brown. White grubs are "C"-shaped, up to 1 inch long, with cream-colored bodies and brown head capsules. Common species include the southern masked chafer, and green June beetle. Japanese beetles were originally introduced into the northeastern United States and have recently been detected in Texas.

Larval stages eat roots of grasses, vegetable and ornamental plants. Grubs also feed on the roots of weeds, vegetable transplants and ornamental plants. Most severe plant injury is caused in the fall and spring.

Life cycle:
Adults begin to emerge in spring. Females tunnel 2 to 5 inches into the soil and deposit eggs. In 3 to 4 weeks, small grubs hatch from eggs and develop through 3 instars. The last larval instar remains in the soil from the fall through spring. In spring and early summer, white grubs pupate 3 to 6 inches deep in the soil. Adults emerge from pupae in about 3 weeks. There is 1 generation per year, but in north Texas, development may take 2 years.